Virgin Mary
All are welcome to attend and worship during our various services. If you are unfamiliar with the Orthodox Church, you will notice parishioners making the sign of the cross, venerating icons, and making prostrations throughout the service, all of which have been practiced since the very beginning of the Church. None of this is required of you or will be perceived as rude if you do not participate in these gestures.
If you attend Divine Liturgy, you will also witness the administration of Holy Communion. Please note that only persons chrismated or baptized in the Orthodox Church may partake of the Mysteries. If you are a visiting Orthodox Christian and wish to commune, please reach out to Father Paul to introduce yourself before Divine Liturgy.
Out of reverence and respect for God and those appointed to serve His Church, please also observe the following requests when visiting:
All cell phones must be silenced.
Conversations, texting, or other uses of the phone in the narthex and nave before, during, or after services is forbidden.
Please dress in a manner befitting the Temple of God.
Lipstick should be completely removed before venerating the icons, receiving Holy Communion, kissing the dismissal cross, or kissing Fr. Paul's right hand.
Talking is forbidden during services unless the ushers or choir need to direct and organize seating.
If the Epistle, Gospel, or Sermon is in progress when you arrive, please do not enter the nave until it is complete.
Remain standing while Holy Communion is being distributed.
It is forbidden to leave the church service until dismissal, unless serving luncheon or in the event of an emergency.
Do not touch the Chalice or Diskos during the Great Entrance. You may very lightly touch the back vestments of the priest, but not the arms.
Those who arrive after the Gospel reading are forbidden to receive Holy Communion (exception for children).
As stated above, one must be chrismated or baptized into the Orthodox Christian faith to receive the Sacraments of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Church, such as communion, confession, holy oil unction, etc. This teaching comes directly from the Apostles in their Apostolic Constitution decrees. Every Orthodox priest will have to give an account to Christ for his actions. A priest holds the Eucharist in his hands during his ordination in meditation of the God fearing responsibility of this distribution. Dear Faithful, please share this teaching with your visiting friends and family who attend service. For those who are non-Orthodox and would like to become Orthodox Christian, please see Fr. Paul. All are welcome.
Thank you